Planned to coincide with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the World Park Project brings nations, states, landholders and indigenous custodians together in a cooperative effort to create continuous, restored habitat for recreation and the protection of endangered species on a planetary scale.
The World Park begins with the creation of 3 recreational trails: the first from Australia to Morocco, the second from Turkey to Namibia, and the third from Alaska to Patagonia. Passing through 55 nations these trails are the catalysts for bringing people together to work on restoring the ecological health of over 160,000 km2 in many of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.
In the 19th century we set aside National Parks and in the 20th we fenced off Protected Areas. Now in the 21st century, we need a new approach, one that is multifunctional and actively engages people in its creation. In an age where so many feel so powerless to effect positive change, the World Park is a profound sign of hope that humanity can work together to be a constructive force of nature.
Explore the trails above, or read the full report here.